Car Maintenance Checklist: What to Check Each Season

Maintaining your car is an essential responsibility for every car owner, ensuring the vehicle's longevity, safety, and optimal performance. Regular maintenance is important year-round, as different weather conditions can impact your car's technical condition. To keep your car in top shape throughout the year, here’s a comprehensive checklist for each season. If you need professional help, there are many reliable service centers and specialists in Estonia who can assist with these tasks.

Autumn Checklist

Autumn is the time to prepare your car for winter. Here are the key points for autumn maintenance:

  1. Switch to Winter Tires:

Install winter tires before the first cold snap. Ensure the tires have sufficient tread depth.

  1. Check Brake Fluid:

Before the cold weather sets in, check the brake fluid level and quality, as it directly affects brake performance.

  1. Clean and Protect Windows and Mirrors:

Autumn can bring a lot of rain and moisture. Use water-repellent products on glass and mirrors to ensure better visibility.

  1. Battery Check and Maintenance:

In autumn, it's crucial to make sure your battery is fully charged and in good condition to avoid failure in cold weather.

  1. Inspect Heating System:

Ensure your car's heating elements work properly to provide a comfortable driving experience in the colder months.

Winter Checklist

Winter brings extreme weather conditions that can pose risks to your vehicle. To ensure safety, follow these steps:

  1. Use Cold-Resistant Fluids:

For winter, switch to winter-grade windshield washer fluid and check the antifreeze's freezing point.

  1. Inspect Spark Plugs and Ignition System:

Cold weather can affect the ignition system. Make sure all spark plugs and the ignition system are in perfect working order.

  1. Check Winter Tires:

Regularly check tire pressure and condition to ensure maximum grip and safety.

  1. Protect Doors and Seals:

Use special silicone sprays to protect door seals from freezing.

  1. Monitor the Battery:

Winter cold affects battery performance. Keep an eye on its condition and charge it if necessary.

Spring Checklist

Spring is the perfect time to restore your car from winter wear and prepare it for the warmer months. Spring maintenance includes:

  1. Tire Change and Inspection:

If you used winter tires, it's time to switch to summer tires. Check the tire pressure and tread pattern as well.

  1. Refill Fluids:

Check and refill windshield washer fluid, coolant, and brake fluid as needed for optimal vehicle performance.

  1. Check the Battery:

Winter cold can strain batteries. Check the battery voltage and replace it if necessary.

  1. Inspect Brakes:

Brakes can rust or wear down in winter. Have the brakes inspected in spring and replace the brake discs or pads if needed.

  1. Check the Air Conditioning:

Before the summer heat arrives, make sure your air conditioning is working properly and refill the refrigerant if necessary.

Summer Checklist

Summer can be demanding on your car, especially during long trips or in hot conditions. Here’s what to check:

  1. Change the Engine Oil:

Hot weather can cause oil to break down faster. Regular oil changes will keep your engine running smoothly.

  1. Check Tire Pressure:

Hot weather increases tire pressure. Regularly check the pressure and monitor tire wear.

  1. Refill the Air Conditioning System:

If your air conditioner isn't cooling effectively, visit a specialist to inspect the system and refill the refrigerant if needed.

  1. Clean and Protect the Body:

Protect your car from UV rays and heat by waxing or using special protective coatings. This helps maintain the paint and prevent corrosion.

  1. Check Coolant Levels:

In hot weather, it’s critical to prevent the engine from overheating. Regularly check the coolant level.

By following these seasonal maintenance checklists, you can ensure your car stays in excellent condition all year round. Whether you handle it yourself or seek professional assistance, regular car care is key to a safe and smooth driving experience.