How to Place an Ad at KOGUTEENUSED.EE?

Move to the section “place an ad” on the home page and following the instructions, enter information about the service provided or about finding a specialist.

If you are the first-time visitor on KOGUTEENUSED.EE, you have to register to place an advertisement. After you register you will have access to your personal account where you can create and edit ads of two types:

  • 1. An executor is a specialist, a user who places an advertisement for a service under a specific heading.
  • 2. A customer is an employer, a user who places an advertisement for finding a specialist (order) to execute a certain service. Meanwhile, when a customer creates an order, he/she indicates a specific heading, and all executors who place an advertisement under this heading can receive automatic notification about the creation an order that could interest them. For the comfort cooperation of users, a convenient system has been developed, which allows them to interact through orders fulfilment applications from specialists and the customer who chooses and appoints the executor he likes.

Other important points:

The user can communicate and answer the questions of other users in messages, leave feedback and rate them, and both a executor and a customer can add other users to Favorites, have his/her own archive of announcements and applications, CV, portfolio and e-wallet.

KOGUTEENUSED.EE covers all possible services, but if the user cannot find the heading or sub-heading he/she needs for a particular service, he/she can always create it himself/herself. Once the administration approves or modifies it, a new user-friendly heading will appear. That way, we all will work together to constantly improve and develop this website to meet our needs.

The placement of one ad is free and open-ended.

The cost of additional services at KOGUTEENUSED.EE you can find in the Price List section.

There is no refund for the early removal of an ad (in the case of paid services).

Before the expiry of the advertising period, the user shall receive a notification of it and he/she can extend the advertising period following the link.

At the end of the advertising period, an ad is automatically moved to the archive, where it can always be viewed, edited, deleted or activated.

Once deleted, neither the ad owner nor the support service will be able to restore the ad.

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